Tuesday, October 27, 2009

phpMyAdmin in Slackware 13


Download phpMyAdmin from phpMyAdmin.net and put it in /usr/src/sourcepkg. Extract and add a symbolic link for later use in our config.
#cd /var/www
#tar jxvf /usr/src/source/phpMyAdmin-XXX.tar.bz2
#ln -sf phpMyAdmin-XXX phpMyAdmin

Create the phpMyAdmin config file and edit it.
#touch /etc/httpd/phpMyAdmin.conf
#jed /etc/httpd/phpMyAdmin.conf
Add an alias to httpd (since the phpMyAdmin directory isn't in var/www/htdocs) and change the Directory rules.
# # phpMyAdmin - MySQL Database Administration Tool
# Alias /phpMyAdmin /var/www/phpMyAdmin

# AllowOverride None # Options None Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Edit httpd.conf to use our new config and append at the end.
# Uncomment the following line to enable phpMyAdmin support: # Include /etc/httpd/phpMyAdmin.conf


Restart apache
#/etc/httpd/rc.httpd restart
Go to your browser and open http://localhost/phpMyAdmin
